Manchester Village Stories


In this page, you can find more information about who we are and how to contact us.

The Research Team

Please, feel free to email any of us with questions about the project, the results, or press inquiries.

Amy Barron, Geography

Amy is a cultural and social geographer interested in (1) city life and living (2) the life-course, ageing an older age (3) place, place-making and memory. Methodologically she draws upon a range of ethnographic and arts-based approaches.  Amy is currently a Research Associate on Methods for Change and a Lecturer in Human Geography, both at the University of Manchester.  

  • Email:
  • Twitter: @AmyCBarron  

David Dobson, Sociology

David is a PhD candidate in the sociology department at The University of Manchester. He is interested in sexuality and intimacy in later life, with a specific focus on the impact of dementia in this context. 

  • Email:
  • Twitter: @Daviddobson11 

Jaime García-Iglesias, Sociology

Jaime is a Research Fellow in Public Health at The University of Hertfordshire. He holds a PhD in Sociology from The University of Manchester and is particularly interesting in sexuality, sexual health, memory, fantasy and internet use.

Jess Mancuso, Sociology

Jess is a Sociology PhD Candidate at the University of Manchester and over the past five years, she has explored lesbian visibility in Manchester’s queer community and spaces. Her work mainly focuses on feminist theory and practices concerning gender and sexuality studies. 

  • Email: 
  • Twitter: @AlmostDrJess 

Our funding

To do this project, we have received generous funding from NWSSDTP N8 Collaborative Event Funding.


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